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All the Types of Lock Picking Tools


Keen to get into the inner circle of professional lock pickers? Then we have good news for you, If you’ve been wondering what is in a lock pick set, you’ve come to the right place. Today, we’re going to tell you about the basic lock pick set tools that are available on the internet.

While lock picking can be challenging for newbies, it is an exciting hobby for DIY enthusiasts and it’s therefore worth learning the skills to do this.

What is in a lock pick set?

There are many different lock pick sets and locksmith tools available on the internet. Be sure to check the reviews of any product before you check out. Reviews are handy as many customers do share their experiences online and it can help you choose the right tool of the best quality you can afford for your specific needs.

Let’s look at the different locksmith tools and what they are used for.

Lock Picks

Single Pin Picks (SPP) is the most common type of lock picks. This tool is used to pick away at the pins until you’re able to unlock the door.

Lock Rakes

Always try to buy a set with a good selection of lock rakes, if you want a full set. If your budget is an issue, begin with single rakes suitable to your specific needs. You can always upgrade to a complete set if you need it, later on.

Pick Guns

Pick guns work rather differently to lock rakes and single pin picks. Pick guns are used to flick thin needles at the pins while applying tension at the same time. Continuous flicking causes the pins to set, thereby unlocking the lock.

Manual pick guns take longer than the electronic variety. That said, keep a manual one in your toolkit as you never know when you might need one.

The more tools you have, the easier your job will be.

Bypass Tools

While pick guns, SPP, and lock rakes are used to manipulate the pins until they open, you can use a bypass kit to create a gap between the roof of the car and door.

This will permit you to insert a rod in the gap in order to grab, push, or pull the door handle from inside.

Certain bypass tools slip past the pins to engage the cam of the lock.

A bypass tool such as the MICA is ideal for beginners. This is an updated model of the old credit card trick we all have all seen used in movies to open doors.

Practice Locks

You will be able to see the inner workings of locks using practice locks. You will be able to closely observe the mechanism as it moves in response to lockpicks and the right key.

After spending some time on practice locks, you can use tape to conceal the pins to see how good you really are.

Are lock pick tools illegal?

You can own lock picks, so long as you don’t use them to commit a crime. Possession of lock picks is allowed, but using them illegally will likely get you jail time if you’re caught and convicted.

Professional locksmiths undergo factory training in addition to their basic lock picking training. This ensures that they don’t damage locks and keys which might put families at risk. We should mention that professional locksmiths don’t use the average lock picking tools that are available online, but rather from specialist lock manufacturers.

If you live in Colorado, rather call on Speedy Locksmith than investing all your money into inferior lock picking tools bought from online suppliers